kitchen Best Backsplash Ideas for your kitchen


In choosing the layout, equipment, and color scheme, there are many factors to consider when designing or decorating the kitchen.

 This is why we are now focusing on the interesting part: the backsplash, which basically just refers to the kitchen wall material.

Backsplashes can cover the entire wall, they can be the popping sound behind the range, or they can cover the area between the countertop and the cabinet. Then there is the vast world of textures and colors that they open up.

 It does not matter whether the ideal kitchen is rustic, comfortable, modern, or stylish-the following 10 kitchen splash plate design concepts will meet your needs.

1: Stained glass.

For something more special than the common subway tile route, please consider this high-brightness option.

 Interior designer Danielle Colding used a glass backsplash in this city apartment to create a more stylish, modern, and cosmopolitan feel. It matches perfectly with the painted cabinets.

2: Cubism.

even a backsplash can be a work of art. In a small kitchen, every inch should be both functional and communicate the right style statement, so creating a unique backsplash is well-advised.

In this Devol Kitchen, the tiles are laid to create abstract shapes. It almost looks like a Cubist painting.

3: Penny tiles.

Although most commonly used in bathrooms, a penny of ceramic tiles can also cause a strong backlash in the kitchen. This glossy finish is vibrant, playful and rich in texture.

4: Mirrored Tiles.

This kind of tile, Maximizes the light. If your kitchen does not have many windows, this technique will save you money and make you feel like you are in a fun disco party world.

Give an example? This is the kitchen designed by ETC.etera for the Los Angeles Firehouse Hotel.

The mirror-tiled backsplash contrasts sharply with the casual wicker stool. The key is to keep a low profile so as not to take up too much visual space.

5: Dark Grout.

Consider the avant-garde version of this farmhouse kitchen. The white tile wall designed by Chango & Co.

Is set in a geometric repeating bonding pattern with ink grout to create a graphic effect.

6: Bright Pattern.

Try to use bold tiles to bridge the transition between dark and light colors.

 Steve Pallrand, is obsessed with blue obsessive tiles in this kitchen, especially when the classic wooden cabinets and some plant collections warm us up, we are especially fascinated.

7: Marine Tones.

This Eric Olsen’s kitchen has a serious tile game.

 If you live by the sea but want something pleasant, or you just like blue, you can draw inspiration from the entire dark blue, gray, and cobalt colors.

8: Brick.

If you live in a space with exposed brick walls, get inspiration from Danielle Colding Design.

 Brighten the room with clean white cabinets, colorful dishcloths, curtains, area carpets, and small eclectic promenade walls.

9: Concrete Design.

This kitchen design so beautiful, the accent of the concrete backsplash, architectural lighting, and avant-garde artwork help to contemporary the more traditional foundations of the space without conflict.

10: Statement Marble.

This stylish kitchen features a bold marble backsplash and a corresponding kitchen island with an artistic tile waterfall edge. It attracts you immediately.

I hope you like these beautiful ideas, tell us which one you like more?

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